Mates - Momoto
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Momoto Mates

Momoto Mates

Join free and start earning rewards with every visit and unlock exclusive benefits

How it works


Earn 1 point for every $1 spent at Momoto


Special items offer double or triple points


Every 100 points = $10 off, up to a limit of $50 off per transaction


Redeem points for selected menu items

Momoto Mates FAQ

– Momoto Mates is a loyalty program offering exclusive benefits to members.

– As a member, you can enjoy exclusive discounts, special offers, invitations of members only events and membership points.

– You earn Momoto membership points for every dollar spent on food and beverages at Momoto. Certain items may offer double points or promotional bonuses.

– To redeem benefits, simply present your digital Momoto Mates pass to our staff at the checkout. Benefits may include complimentary items, discounts, or special offers.

– Members can redeem up to 500 points or a $50 discount on each transaction. However, members must spend a minimum of $1 above the redemption value for each point level. Points redemption options are available at 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 points.

– Benefits must be redeemed within the stated period, and there may be limits on the number of benefits you can receive.

– Some benefits may also have specific conditions or restrictions.

– No, membership points are non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the member who earned them.

– Membership benefits will continue at Momoto’s discretion. However, if Momoto Mates is terminated, members will have a specified period to redeem their benefits.

– Yes, your membership is valid at all Momoto locations.

– Send us an email at, providing all details that we have signed up with, we will help you recover your deleted pass. You can still enjoy all benefits during this period. Simply provide your name you registered with to our staff at the checkout, and we will be able to log you transactions and points.

– You can stay updated on the latest promotions and offers by subscribing to Momoto’s newsletter, follow us on social media or visit our website regularly.

If you have any further questions or inquiries, please to contact us at

Become a member
Become a member